Homework Revision Page

 In preparation to exam and mocks this will be where my revision is held.

Todorovs Narrative Theory- Equilibrium,Distruption,recognition of disruption,attempt to solve and the new equilibrium or the old one again.

Blumer and katz theory : PIES, personal identify, information, Entertainment and social  interaction.

Mcluhans 4 laws of media-material,efficient, formal and final.

Passive audience:They accept everything that is being told to them and don't challenge things that have been spoken of quoted.

Active audience: rebel against what is said\stated and participate in discussion. Not afraid to challenge things.

Propps Narrative Theory: The villian, dispatcher, princess, princesses father ,the hero, the false hero.

Hypodermic needle theory: the idea that mass media has a strong effect on the audience and that the media controls the way people think and behave in society,includes;active audience who challenges these ideas.

Semiotic analysis: the question is" why do things mean what they mean? " language gestures acting etc.

Denotiator: what an audience can see our hear.

Intertextuality: refers to the relationships  between products one media text to another.

Media involved things I must know: 

OFCOM: Is the only government backed regulator.Tv Radio.

ISPO:Independent press standards organisation manage the magazine industry in the uk.

BBFC: British board off film classification responsible for age ratings on films and video games released in the UK.

Semiotics: the study of signs and symbols and their use of interpretation.

Structuralism definition: a method of interpretation and analysis of aspects of human cognition,behaviour,culture and experiences,which focuses on relationships of contrast between elements in a conceptual system.



Tent like-minded tent pole production is the link between many productions.

Franchise- a way of advertising a movie but also includes things you can buy that has concluded after the movie such as teeshirts and games.

Active Audience- viewers who question and rebel against the source that is being given too them, questions society.

Passive audience- accepts all that they are told in a text.

Conglomerate - a chain of company's all linked together.

In The Lego Movie, the posters that were released with the movie are very different to the usual everyday poster,In the main The Lego Movie Poster the main character Emmet is at the front which is rather normal, he is a male but the male character/'hero' is normally portrayed as strong and fearless but the choice of facial expression that is used in this poster is rather different, he looks scared, normally that doesn't happen, but if you look to the right side of Emmet, wyldestyle is there and she looks more fearless than emmet, she actually looks a bit angry, by first appearance you wonder if she  is the hero of this story, because usually its not a female as the main hero but now it seems to be that  the female and male main characters have switched roles, like emmet is more like the damsel in distress and wyldestyle is the full out hero who saves people and isn't scared of anything, the usual stereotype is that the female is the ones in trouble and the male figure will save him, but the lego Movie producers played around with it and created a whole new thing that even include a few strong women characters in there such as wonder woman and unikitty, of course there are strong male characters there such as batman and green lantern and metal beard but its definitely a mixture of genders.


The hero: Generally leads the narrative has a quest to solve something wants to succeed and can be any gender.

The Villain: Struggles against the hero seen as morally bad, attempts to stop the hero achieving the goal.

The Donor: Gives the hero something special , Power/weapon/wisdom/ect enables hero to complete the quest

The Helper: Supports hero/sidekick appears at critical moments,Their limitations help define the hero.

The princess: Can take two forms the object sought by the hero or the reward.

The Dispatcher: Sends hero on the mission( can be combined with another role)

the princess father: Gives task to the hero authority figure/ protective after figure

the false hero: appears to react heroically and often mistake for the real hero.

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