Television Industries and Audiences: Monday 13th September
L/O: To research the history, companies and regulator in the television industry.
In your own words,write the definitions for the following terms:
Publicity owned TV channel :Licence fee, public service.
Convergence: The merging of media technologies through computer networking.
Watershed: When Television Programs might be unsuitable for children ,usually after 9pm.
Segmented Market:The research that puts the audience into cohort smaller groups(age, Ethnicity etc)
Mainstream: Ideas Attitudes or activities that are shared by most people conventionally
Self-regulated: Controlling someones behaviour emotions and goals manage to disruptive emotions.
Franchise: A license granted by a company To a market trade.
Channel-Surfing: Change from one to two channels.
PSB:Public Service Broadcasting.
Tv license: A pay to the government to have a tv.
Scheduling: A schedule of what show is on TV at what time.
Conglomerate: A media company that owns many other companies.
Research Task:
When was Tv produced in the UK?
In 1965, how many channels were there in the UK and what were they?
When did ITV start? Why was it different?
1995 The first colour channel?
Which UK channels have to follow PSB remits
Public service broadcasting Channel 3 services Channel 4 Channel 5 and the BBC.
Who regulates Tv now?
List the differences between TV in the 60s and now,
- Three channels only one tv in the house and Tv's were expensive.
20th September 2021
1. How many TV channels were there in 1964?
2.Name the TV channels:
3.What does OfCom do?
television now.
Television industries:
Ownership and Regulation.
Lo: To explore the ownership and regulation of BBC1 and ITV.
Ofcom regulates Tv and can fine broadcasters , if they think they have broken the broadcasting code.
Has been a PSB channel since it was set up in 1922. Lord Reith outlined the PSB principles 1925, stating the broadcasting should"inform educate and entertain" and that it should be free from commercial and government pressures.
The definition of PSB has developed since then, but the BBC'S ethos is still based on these ideas today.
The BBC'S Mission, Values and public purposes.
The Royal Charter states that the BBC’s object is “the fulfilment of its Mission and the promotion of its Public Purposes”
To provide impartial news and information to help people understand and engage with the world around them.
To understand learning for people all ages.
To show the most creative highest quality and distinctive output and services.
They are independent, impartial and honest.
Diverse range of people/Views.
Quality programming for what the audience pay for.
History of groundbreaking programmes.
Genre variety, representation and quality.
Impartion, help people engage with the world around them
correspondents all around the world.
Support learning of people all ages, highest energy, education.
Serve different regions over the Uk, They have local breaks.
Radio Cornwall is based in truro.
License Fee, pays for multiple BBC Radios, Tv , new programmes.
If you watch or listen to the BBC programmes on any media platform, its an criminal offence not to pay a license fee.
For License Fee-
Gives the channels enough money to produce their shows, and the BBC does produce quality programmes worth the fee, giving the audience what they want.
Against License fee-
Unneeded tax to use a television, buying one should be enough, may bring beneficial struggles for families.
Commercial Channels
ITV 1,2,3,4 Channel 4,5
All funded channels that have PSB values.
Distinctive Programming, ParaOlympics.Showing people with disabilities, different to any other.
Monday 27th September,
Tv Audiences,
How do people watch Tv:
Majority of audiences still watch live Tv,85% in the Uk still watch PSBB channels, BBC ITV.
1 of the reasons to watch Live Tv is second screening allowing the audiences to join discussions on social medias during live TV show.Another reason is Audience Interaction allowing audiences to vote online , for example Strictly Come Dancing , you can vote for who stays and who goes.
A PASSIVE AUDIENCE Believes everything that is said on the audience , and are easily influenced as a person.
A ACTIVE AUDIENCE creates their own decision in things , and are subjective as people towards things from the media.
We are more active then we are in the past, Channel surfing, we can watch Tv in different ways, we are being active in what we choose as there are more channels, unlike the past with only 3, streaming you can watch and re watch things allowing a closer look into the show, There is now a greater range of messages shown on the Tv its More diverse.
Its important to the BBC and the ITV to have a daily schedule.
From time to TIME there is a sometimes rivalry occurs, putting popular shows on at the same time, stats are shown to see how many views things are getting, BARB broadcasting audience research board, this is where all the viewing figures is gathers.
The Watershed
Explicit content is shown after 10pm, For past 15 years.
Serial TV Drama
TV DRAMA, is a tv drama that is organised into separate episodes oppose from a one time drama, serial tv drama has episodes, typically between 3-12 episodes, include complex narrative and evolving character as the series prolongs.
Crime Drama-Lucifer,Goliath
Period Drama-Downtown Abbey, The Crown
Teen Drama- Ackley Bridge, Good Girls
Medical Drama-Casualty,Body Proof
science Fiction Drama-The Martian,Arrival
Fantasy Drama-Vampire Diaries, The Winx Saga
Political Drama- Vice,Mr Jones.
Monday 4th October 2021
Which Tv channels have the largest audiences? BBC 1, ITV
Why were Tv audiences bigger in the 1960's?
Because each channel has a schedule and a show will be on at a certain time and you had to watch it there and then otherwise u wouldn't be able to watch.
What is the term for an audience that interacts with a media text?
Active Audience
What is scheduling?
Having shows on at a certain time of day at a certain time either morning, mid day, before watershed and after watershed and when you choose to put something on.
THE 1960'S
'The swinging 60's'
Pop culture
- fashion influenced by pop stars
- Unique styles
- Slang developed
- Paper dresses of pop stars faces
- clubbing
- Painting their cars with bold colours/patterns
- Photographers had al different ideas, all individual, put into magazines
- Hippie Vibes
- Fashion Posters
floral print
The Beatles,The avengers television series first screened, Miss world beauty pageant, Duke of York, Birth control pills became available in the NHS due to the duke.
The Sunday times became the first newspaper to post in colour, live television broadcast from the US to Britain for the first time,The first James Bond,Rolling Stones.
The worst winter, cold war,Winston Churchill, Martin Luther King,The great Train Robbery,I have a dream Speech, July,the assassination of John F Kennedy. Walt Disney releases KING Arthur.
Top of the pops first airs,Teen Girls magazines first come out,The Queen gives birth to her 4th son,The first motd airs.
Velvet minidresses came into fashion,Kenneth swore for the first time on Tv, Meteorite shower falls in Lester shire.

Prime Minister- Harold Wilson, Labor party
Key Contextual Areas:
In 1965 the cold war was at its height Britain was a part of NATO a group of 12 western countries who agreed to support each other in the face of the soviet attack in retaliation The Soviet Union formed a pact with seven other countries, Europe was divided into two armed sides.
1962 Missile crisis the world was close to war,
Both sides of the cold war used espionage as a way of finding out what the other side was doing, the Russian's managed to get information from the americans to find out how to make nuclear weapons.
11th October 2021 THE AVENGERS 1965
Name a political event in the 1960's
The Cold War
Name a band in the 1960's
The Beatles, Rolling Stones.
What was the Cold War?
TheVietnam war, also known as The Cold War, Between America and Russia, it was never fought.
What channel produced the show?
1-ABC Television,ITV
Who was the primary and Secondary audience?
2-Teenagers, young adults, it was on before the watershed.
When did the first episode air?
3-7th January 1961
How many seasons were made?
What date/year was the last episode air
5-21st may 1969
What was the budget for series four?
6-£56,000 per episode
56,000 x 161=9016000 all together.
All about The Avengers- Video Documentary
John Steed
1One of ITV's Biggest hits, over millions of viewers
2Feminism involved, the girls were given good/lead roles.Cathy Gale, Emma Peel, Tara King
3 BrianClemens writer director.
5Mother was played as a man.
The fourth Series was different to the third one due to the £2 million deal with ABC television Production Values goes up, giving a better budget for locations, cast gives an opportunity for higher quality.
Monday 18th October 2021 The Avengers Town Of No Return
The Narrative Storyline
Beginning- Opening credits,Seaside Location, Mysterious entrance emerges from the sea, Main female and main character have a sword fight rather flirtatious, main man introduces idea of going somewhere to fine something out as spies little bazele, on train 3rd character is introduced.
Middle- They arrive Emma,John And Mr Smallwood in a pub where they meet Jill Matterson, Mark Brandon and "Piggy warren:(imposter) the landlord, Emma and John stay around and stay in a room upstairs in the pub then a noise occurs of dogs barking, this triggers the two spies to go undercover and try to detect whats going on, Emma goes to the school John searched through houses and he came across old names on broke concrete of dead people who died in the war, finds out the landlord had taken one of the names of the people who had been said as dead, "piggy" making him a fraud.
End- John has a fight with a horse shoe maker Aka an imposter, acting as Tom Littlewood the Vicar is an imposter and Emma chained up against a wall, the two spies discover footprints on a beach and then return back to the school to find a blackboard with an army formation for a battle, and a ration of canned food like what they had in the war, They beat up the impostors and flee, Ending Credits.
The Characters
Emma Peel,John Steed, Mr Smallwood train man, mysterious Character-fisherman,-Jill matterson headmistress, School inspector- Mark Brandon. A dead brother Tom, Vicar, Jonathan Aims bury
How the episode shows social and cultural context the mid 60's
Audience Appeal
Rather Popular Tv Show rather enjoyable plot, new plot every episode, new mysteries uncovered, action adventure, element of escapism, Comical fight scenes, There was only 3 channels so audiences would have been large and you would have to watch The Avengers at that time because you could not re watch the episode, it was a family show.
Monday 1st November
The Avengers The Town of No Return
Lo: To explore the narrative characters and appeal of series 4 episode1.
Enigma Codes- what makes us ask questions and have to watch on to find the answer, What happens next?
- Emma peel, "damsel/hero" Spies- how they are going to sort the situation Action black and white
- john Steed (hero) Emma Peel (Should be the damsel because she is a woman but is actually a hero)
- Female rights, they gave the female character a main role, when black and white Tv's were still around, the cold war( where there were spies spying on one another, links in with the show- ESPIONAGE ) , fashion influenced by pop stars, Twiggy outfit inspo with black and white patterns.
- The Different stories and hidden clues of what happens next, it prolongs the ending.
Uses And Gratifications Theory:PIES
Personal identify--Comedic Characters , Upper Class characters, Every class could watch it and have an inside, empathising, role model characters(John Steed fought in the war, viewers have respect)How does the audience identify with the characters?
Information--recognition of people from the upper class,Bigger understanding to the ESPIONAGE world and how spies work, reassurance that there are spies around protecting us from potential threat, respect towards the characters.
Entertainment--Enjoyable Plots, To escape the boredom to everyday life to escape to a action spy thriller, satisfaction of the sophistication and the style the show brings onto the television , new villains introduced each week a clean slate for another adventure.
Social Interaction -- Could be watched together as a family only one Tv and it cant be re-watched there was only three channels it was a family event,communication with friends the following day to talk about what happened in the episode to discuss the plot and their views on it.
-Comedic characters- Emma Peel and John Steed are rather casual towards one another and tend to joke about things and be playful, such as in scene 2 where they are in Mrs Peels room, fencing.
-Upper Class Characters-You can tell that they are upper class due to the fact they don't have to share a train booth with anyone else its a private room until a new character is introduced, this gives the audience an inside view.
-Roll Model Characters- John Steed was a man who fought in the war as a character so the audience look up to him as a hero who is now a spy being a positive influence; Whereas Emma peel starts a new revelation on screen as one of the first strong intelligent beautiful main character, giving the roll of women a bigger identity than just sitting there being a damsel in distress, well educated well respected,have manners, big role models.
INFORMATION EXAMPLES:pastiche- imitating another product in Emma and John( same as james bond John is the main character and has a female companion but the show twists that narrative and gives EMMA a slightly more powerful revolutionarily role)
-Recognition of people in the upper class and understanding ESPIONAGE and spies- They are high class sipes who are protecting our country against any threat reassuring the audience that in the show no matter the situation Emma and John know how to sort out the situation and keep everything in check.
And having respectful characters, feeling safe especially because JOHN STEED fought for our country so our lives are in goof hands.
Enjoyable plots, humorous-- For example on the train scene John Steed brings out a whole tea set which may seem perhaps absurd to viewers at home, so the characters are funny and brings joy to their Tv's, along with this they always have different plots and its a matter of What happens next week? and because you cant re-watch the episode and u have to be there when it streams it keeps audiences hooked and entertained and possibly excited.
-Could be watched together as a family, chat about it with friends-- There was only one Tv so it was a show which was frequently watched with families, so people would have watched it and the following day would have discussed their opinions and views of for examples what they thought of the villains that were introduced.
my answer-(not finished)
The show brings a thrill seeking sensation to the audiences, in the 1960's there were only 3 channels so The Avengers was a obvious choice due to its plot as a spy series introducing an inside of what being a spy would have looked like at the time and this also links into the cultural context of the show at the time due to the cold war and espionage, having a male as well as a female character sharing the main protagonist roles which was unheard of in the 1960's especially because they portrayed Emma as such a strong and intelligent individual.
The camerawork and editing are all put together to make the two main characters look as strong and powerful as possible, these two normal looking people hidden in disguised linked back to how life was back then with the cold war at a pass but also contradicted the idea of woman and for example; Emma Peel she has certain scenes where the camera is positioned as a close up shot of her face to show her beauty but the editing and what she says doesn't just tell the audience she's beautiful but her intelligent when she speaks and the awareness she has towards everything some camera angles being a full body shot on the floor showing her superiority and her place as a strong woman.
Monday 8th November 2021,
CONTEXT The Avengers Town Of No Return.
What were major concerns at the time?
- Cold War
- Threat Of Nuclear War
- Threat Of Foreign Invasion
- Espionage
Intertextual- Reference a different text or things going on.
Fifth Columnists were a group of people who secretly supported the enemy (espionage)and undermine the country from within.
Who were the fifth columnists in this episode?
The landlord who works in the pub he was an enemy within.
The episode references World War two films like went the day well?
From 1944 in both cases: The English country village spies.----References to films.
The Ipcress File, Emma Peel And John Steed both British agents.
Thunderboall, John Steed is Slightly Related to James Bond- Minus the female companion(Emma breaks the James Bond Female stereotypes)
The Spy who Came In From The Cold, The Avengers was set during The Cold War espionage references with the landlords.
Opening Scene:
- Comedic entrance, Someone emerging from the ocean in a causal matter with a 'grand entrance'.
- Small isolated deserted area ( hidden area perhaps)only one other person on the beach a fisherman.
Close up on a fisherman with a pocketknife sinister music starts to play non-diegetic.
In scene one; the characters do not seem suspicious at all, the fisherman seems sinister but the audience soon notices he is using his pocketknife for work purposes; whereas a man emerges from the ocean which comes across quite comedic but mysterious, the music lightens suggesting all is well and there is no threat as the fisherman and this man in a suit has casual conversation with diegetic communication.
The ClassRoom Scene:
point one -This scene reassures the audience because Both Jon Steed and Emma peel speak in a calm matter towards the situation, this scene has little screentime yet they create a full fledged non violent plan on how and where to approach the enemy, reassuring the audience that our agents are on the ball and aware of the situation prepared to act.
point two- Also to add with this scene, John Steed and Emma Peel are talking about this situation in a classroom ,John Steed is sat at a child's table and Emma peel is stood infront of John with a pointer and a blackboard with a map of England pointing at possible places these spies may be plotted, the classroom aspect may make the audience feel at ease but also understand the humor, its not a panic board meeting its casual ( but still Spoken in the proper English language showing their higherarchy) , calm and also collected.
Melodrama- aspects of drama in-between- when Emma Peel is captured in the BlackSmiths.
Casting And performance- John is older and properly presented does not loose his hat:whereas Emma Peel is feisty and is in the fight scene
Commitment to duty- In the Roles both characters have a duty to protect their country and they both do it in a calm and collected manner.
Representation Of The Enemy-Spies who look like normal people with manners but are hidden in disguise, no normal; person would recognise there was a threat associated with these people.
In The Avengers The show, shows espionage.During When The Avengers was aired and created The cold War was going an occurrence, and The Town Of NO Return links to the idea and reality that their are agents looking out for our country and that their are spies who look like ordinary people with normal jobs but the social context comes into the episode because the spies from the cold war are exactly the same in how they are presented in The avengers, such as the headmaster of the school anyone would believe he was a normal business man when in reality he is collecting information from the inside discreetly .
Another example of ESPIONAGE used in The avengers to link into the cultural context is when Emma Peel gets chained up in the blacksmiths, the black smith is actually a undercover spy and a unrecognisable threat: Emma is an agent sop she recognises this and it results in a fight which is what our agents would have done if they believed our country was in threat, this reassures the audience that we have protection through our secret agents and this show spreads awareness in the current affairs in 1960's.
22nd November 2021 Context: Avengers Town Of No Return
How was the stereotypical English seaside town represented in episode 1:
(Characters, setting, props, character interaction, dialogue, stereotypes)Also ( Camerawork Mise-en-scene, editing, sound) pubs are usually noisy this one is silent non diegetic noise low angle on church
Town people dislike outsiders in pub long shot
everyone looks out of place lack of dialogue sets an idea of how the english seaside town is represented.
Town people in the background loitering like they are observing the situation then they end up playing darts like Englishmen do in pubs.
Eavesdropping people, sterotypical pictures old fashion and traditional, war references, male characters discuss war and females are discussing work and schools, work is forward thinking for the 1960s power in work however they appear to be in a education role reinforces its not too different because its a caring role. suspicion of putsiders as the man leaves.
two men go off to shoot badgers linking in with stereotypes of what english men do "shoot badgers"
Example of EP as an anti-stereotype-
If people were to be un aware of her marriage and her being A MRS Peel then,you would think she is a strong independent woman.
Example of` EP as a reactionary stereotype-
She is a MRS telling us that she is straight also suggesting she has a husband and yet also has some power, beside the fact she is "owned by another man"
PEEL: point evidence explain Link.
How Is Media Language used to show the attitudes and values of the 1960's in the pub scene?
In the episode we clearly see attitudes and values of 1960's in the form of espionage and traditional values, this is shown In this scene An English Pub is based on a true English Pub, A low camera angle is used to show the archaic looking church at the beginning of this scene showing the higherarchy that the church has on this town, then a long shot is used to look at the inside of the pub. Inside of the pub various props are scattered around the interior reflecting on the pervious World War such as:Old fashioned traditional paintings, plane structures hanging from the ceiling and a dartboard, these all link into the idea of what a traditional English pub may look like in the 1960's with a dartboard and some characters in the background having a game of darts( which is what usually only men played in a pub explaining why there are no woman playing darts showing the stereotypes). All of these ideas reflect the rural area that is around them. Another idea that this pub gives of is warmth and friendliness, but this idea is quickly contrasted with when an "outsider"gets followed to the door showing suspicion; Also the idea of when John And Emma are talking about the war with the rather upbeat landlord that the people inside of the pub begin to eavesdrop in on the conversation showing a sense of uncertainty and something not right maybe suggesting the characters who live their feel uncomfortable with these "OUTSIDERS" coming into their Little Bayslee and their very quiet pub.
I think this answer is Okay, i used PEEL and the 1960's.
Monday 29th November 2021 Television in the 2010s
LO: Research the 2010s in terms of social, cultural political climate of the decade; research Tv usage in 2015.
Cuffs was released in October 2015
Oscarssowhite:On Jan. 15, 2015, the academy awarded all 20 acting nominations to white actors for the first of two consecutive years, inspiring April Reign to create the hashtag #OscarsSoWhite. ... The Oscars add a diversity requirement for Best Picture eligibility.
BlackLivesMatter:2013 too the present day, In 2015 a staged die ins was held in the twin cities marathon allowing people too voice hoe they feel, links in with the oscars when 5 people with an ethnicity background was nominated for the first time for the oscars creating equality for all.
Third Wave Feminism:New feminist currents such as sex positivity transfeminism and post modern feminism. The third Wave Feminism also included a diversity in the members having equal rights link in with the riots.
Refugees and tolerance: over 1 million refugees and migrants reach Europe by the sea and over 4000 immigrants died “If there were more legal avenues for refugees to reach Europe, perhaps some of those who died at sea could have found peace and safety instead. For the refugees who risked everything and have now safely reached Europe, we hope they will be received in the context of the European values of dignity, solidarity, and human rights, so that they may find their new beginning,”Shpwing the feqar these people felt urging them to leave their countries trying to find comfort somewhere else.
Blackberry Riots:The rioting was sparked by the shooting death of 29-year-old Mark Duggan, in the Tottenham section of North London, last Thursday. Police said Duggan shot at them first. Protesters demonstrated on Saturday, and the march soon turned violent. It has spread to the British cities of Birmingham, Bristol and Liverpool.
The Message That was sent out |
Blackberry were blamed because this mass riot had taken place over their phone messenger, Thousands of people got together once these messages were published too set shops alight and smash windows along with stealing the personal property held inside. Black Lives Matter movement involved, Equality.
Isis:Paris War A newspaper used a gimmick of one of their leaders and offended Isis so they did a planned attack and killed innocent people in Paris and bombed 3 different places.
Television Industry: 2010s Lo:To explore the Tv industry in 2010s and the effects on Tv shows and audiences.
MAIN INFORMATION: Extra information
How many channels are there available to watch for free on the uk? Freeview (ariel)
What different ways are there to watch now? Social media, on the television, Catchup Channels, recordings, game console.
What would make you want to watch a new tv series? A new thrilling plot, good advertisement Personal Identity, information, entertainment, social interaction.
Cuffs Trailer,40 seconds long October 16 2015
First few seconds with Voiceover start of the police drama with uniform reinforces stereotype of the police and then the car chase the uniform makes them identifiable
Representation of police life : being filmed to try and catch the policemen shows lack of respect for the force , particularly in 2015 the blackberry riots the policemen weren't represented good people disliked them. Voice of Authority; stereotype, white, male , middle class and from the older age group shows reinforcement of stereotypes of who is in power(the constable)Woman policewoman introduced, element of humour in shots we see such as two people wrestling on the beach, Woman policewoman in a suit shows heigherarchy- equality and diversity.( deals with money,drugs, car chasers)
Representation Of Personal Life: Hen-do a bunch of females mocking the police officer humor in this scene shows them in their personal lives, Juxtaposition "dealing with life or death situations" the voiceover has no idea to the world.
Representation of personal drama.
Representation Of media language: Editing, sound, Mise-en Scene and camerawork.
Sound- Non diegetic voiceover of an officer.Also non diegetic drums representing upbeat
action.Diegetic sirens
Editing-Multiple thrilling scenes, jam packed action in the shots edited to follow each actions."pressures of the force" split scene of all the main characters, representation of dissection of the demographic a man is homosexual, diversity in representations.
Mise-En Scene- Humor in setting on beach, sets the scene for what occurs in the job not everything is super serious.
CameraWork-Establishing shot of police cars showing a police chase. "don't sleep with the enemy" mid-shot of the policemen.(fast pace camerashots throughout suggests lots of action makes the audience thinks there is a jam packet drama )
Diversity in race there is a mixture of skin tones and ethnicity.
"ever changing demands of modern policemen" police officer gets punched in the face shows responsibilities in policework, realistic representation of how police life is considering they are just people.
Pre-Watershed, Family audience, range of characters/ storylines problems in careers shows everyday situations with normal peoples.Storylines tend to be covered superficially. Katz theory can be applied to this show
Encourages independent companies because the BBC is a competition, the BBC offers quality to viewers, BBC tends to show, diversity and a range of views with well executed series/shows so the company will keep their viewers while offering them great entertainment values such as Katz and bloomers theory. The BBC in cuffs shows he democratic process of what the policemen of our country has to deal with everyday links in with the cultural context and juxtaposes some of the ideas of policemen being respected where in one shot a policeman is punched in the face in a domestic on a beach.
Phrases i must know:
Passive and a active audience, a passive audience believes and accepts and Active questions authority(an example from Cuffs is when riots are occurring and dislike the authority aka Blackberry Riots)
Explain why the audiences from The Avengers and Cuffs would have been very different and why?
In Avengers the audience respected for example John Steed because he was a man of the higher class and protected our country from any threat, he fought for our country in the war and earned everyones respect, on the other hand in Cuffs the situation is almost the same. The police force protect our country but unfortunately half of England is an active audience and has strong views on the politics that occur in our country so not everyone respect the policemen even through hey are trying our best to keep us safe like John Steed dealing with ESPIONAGE.
Monday 13th December 2021 Police Generic Conventions.
To explore the conventions of police drama.
To analyse Tv drama using the theoretical Framework.
A Range Of Multicultural character-Range of different sex along with different ethnicity., wide range of different people, scenes and personalities , for example the policemen/women, equality in roles, mixed races.
MEDIA LANGUAGE: Set In a Police Office , Slideshows of the police having to deal with difficult situations such as someones death and having to hold back the persons loved ones.Crime scenes, Court cases trying to discover the death of this man, ominous figures lurking in the dark.
SOUND:Sirens, sad music quite low , ominous music on where the crime scene was.
EDITING- Slideshows of different scenes of a distraught family becoming paranoid on going into shops, worried about their lives.Why did my love one get killed? Who was it?
---LIFE ON MARS---Narrative, investigating a crime.
- Media Language -
- Sound- Police Sirens in a car chase, diegetic noise of the cars speeding racing to this mans house, along with screeching breaks, Diegetic sad music playing from his radio in his car/ a song about loss foreshadowing him getting hit by a car.
- Editing-Fast pace action , Fully packed action occurring everywhere, a car chase occurs.
- Mise En scene- Uniform, police cars, Office, Interview room, Tape recorder, Steady camera all including police incorporated things. Evidence coming out of a bag to confront the predator. Interrogation the policemen are confronting him trying to make him crack. Police Tape
- CameraWork-An unsteady character to represent the policemen running through the house chasing the criminal, Low angle shot with man walking past the police tape with his head hung low acknowledging the situation of another murder, close up shots shows emotion of teary eyes.
- Representations-Men & women- Male dominance included their is a female present but has a lower rank and he is inferior to her, she's not as prominent in the shot.Character positioning she is placed in the back of the scenes.The main protagonist(male) has a female officer backing his side.Male is higher in the higherarchy and dismissed any of the woman ideas and thoughts.
Mise-En-Scene- The officers have uniform, slightly different to the current day.Police signs above cars and they ride on bicycles, Smoking Juxtaposes the idea of being professional in their workplace. Cultural you can smoke and drink in the workplace
Representation- No females in the office, Mimics a female with ginger hair a sexist comment is made. female officers could kiss better his injuries, woman and much more sexualised and their representation in inferior.
Sound: Confrontational Dialogue, Background noises.
Editing: Much more chilled out, Not jam packed action filled and everyone seems to be less professional back then compared to the early 2000's.
Exam Style Question-
How Are The generic Conventions of a police drama shown in your trailer?
In LIFE ON MARS the generic conventions of it being a police drama is explored through Mise-En-Scene, Traditional police uniforms are both shown in the two genres incorporated with this trailer, In the early 2000's they all are formal and in full outfits also the representations of male and females are totally different considering whereas in the 1970's their was a large amount of sexual inequality making remarks about their bodies and got sexually spoken about and only looked at as an object even in their work places; On the other hand in the early 2000's the idea of putting an end to sexism is active, not entirely demolished but definitely much better than how women were treated back then, roles are equal as the main protagonist has a female main protagonist as well who wears not a police outfit but smart clothes.
Cuffs: Series 1 Episode 1.
Monday 10th January 2022
Lo: To analyse the narratives and characters constructed in an opening episode.
- Episodic Storyline :Episodic storytelling is a genre of narrative that is divided into a fixed set of episodes. Multiple episodes are usually grouped together into a series through a unifying story arc, with the option to view immediately (rather than waiting for the release of each episode)
- Overarching Storyline: A story arc is defined as a continued or extended storyline that is used in what is referred to as “episodic” storytelling. This is simply a form of storytelling that is done in multiple parts, like a TV show or even a comic. It is also known as the “overarching storyline.”
What would you expect to be in the opening episode?
I would expect to be a background storyline to all of the main characters that are firstly introduced to show todorovs theory, creating a personal identity for the characters showing their professional life as being a police office in comparison to what their life is like while being out of the job and how they have to act around civilians even though they are not on duty; having a professional life style and keeping their duty of care and order; In Addition I would expect there to be a Episodic storyline with each characters personal identity scenes being split up over the course of time not all jam packed drama causing confusion to the audience from all the new information introduced to them only in the first episode. Along with this the overall tone of this crime Tv series would visually show the seriousness of what working in the force is like and everyday professionalism but possibly also so disruptions to the equilibrium throwing the police force off track trying to keep peace everyday because stereotypically the police deal with a lot everyday, all different sorts of issues that they need to put back into place and recognise then solve these to return back to the equilibrium. So I would expect to see these stereotypes being shown on this episode.
( Cannot answer some of the questions for I have not watched this episode and cannot make a judgment due to the actors/ Actresses images taken from the episode, the only indication I can suggest is that they all a presented in professional manner, For example; DC Joe Moffat is represented professional with her hair tied back in a bun which is expected in the police workplace like any other force)
( Also cannot say who fits into Propps Spheres of action table but I assume that the main DC is the hero being the head of the force ( the main voice and at the top of the higherarchy) instructing his fellow colleges at ranks below him to go to certain situations and deal with it professional imposing a balance and trust in his colleagues; In addition I suspect the villain to be a civilian whom has committed a crime and does not see eye to eye or the point of view of the policeman who is dealing with them, dismissing any idea of the police force doing good and vilanising them.
Propps spheres of action-
Monday 17th January 2022 Watching Cuffs S.1 E,1.
PC Ryan Draper- A Strong Police Officer/Complete Professionalism
PC Jake Vickers- Nervous, messes up.
DS Jo Moffat- vulnerable but deals with situations.
Chief Robert Vickers- Highly Professional
DC Carl Hawkins- Confident, and doesn't fear involvement with criminals.
DC Donna Prager- Humorous
PC Lino Moretti- Humuropusand not afraid.
24th January 2022 Propps Spheres Of Action
LO: To annotate the narratives and characters constructed in the opening episode.
PC Ryan Draper- A Strong Police Officer/Complete Professionalism, When Ryan enters the drug house he is ruthless and unafraid to trap the criminal and come face to face to a near death experience.
PC Jake Vickers- Nervous, messes up.Its sexuality even though is briefly said at the start is not fully expressed besides the relationship with the lawyer.
DS Jo Moffat- vulnerable but deals with situations.
Chief Robert Vickers- Highly Professional
DC Carl Hawkins- Confident, and doesn't fear involvement with criminals.
DC Donna Prager- Humorous
PC Lino Moretti- Humorous and not afraid.
Personal Identity- The audience may identity with Jake Vickers because of his sexuality and him being a main character is usually unseen but all sexes, race and ethnicity is shared as main roles, fair equality. The BBC incorporated many new different identities such as sexuality and peoples personal profile,every character is manufactured to appeal to lots of different audiences and every social groups, you have introverts along with extroverts.For Example Jake will appeal to people of the Gay community and nice to have a wide variety.
The realism of real life being shone through in this scene is the arrest of a civillian who was in the wrong and committed a crime and is getting put into hand cuffs for it.
The nudist beach and stag do drama in the first scene made an exciting first scene to a first episode, building up suspense for future events to occur, stirring up the excitement of the full jam packed drama that'll keep the audience hooked.
They feel included in the show and feel like the other civillians watching the crime occur, they may feel that they are involved in the police force and substitute this show for bits of their lives "what happens next"?.
January 31st 2022 Cuffs and Social Context
Lo: To analyse representation and influence of social and cultural context in cuffs.
How is something presented?How is the seaside town represented?
In terms of the scenery, There were deck chair sellers along with seaside ice cream sellers with a nudist beach with people enjoying themselves and no children in sight, The dialogue between the people on the beach are very joyful and visibly very confident in themselves until a few young adults take the mick out of the people on the nudist beach, invading their privacy and exploiting them ( Typical Englishmen catching fights for social media)Slang is used as the young adults speak and cause a disruption whereas the older gentle men are well spoken and more polite, the woman stand back and watch.
Compared to the avengers sexuality context there is gender equality in shared roles, one of the main police women has power over all the policemen but yet still takes order from Chief Robert vickers who is the main figure.The equalitys act occurred when this episode cam out. Ryan Draper had to deal with multiple racist comments and yet strides through all the abuse he has to deal with, shows the issues that people still deal with especially englishmen. Monday 7th February 2021 Ideology, themes and stereotypes.
What themes are explored in this episode? make sure to discover the central topic in cuffs and explore hidden meanings.
Hypodermic Needle Theory is explored the active audience is the general public in cuffs.
Stereotype in cuffs: Ryan Stops this police car to talk to his son (who is a teenager jumping down a flight of stairs skipping class with his mates)stereotypes a dad being protective but also having a duty of care and keeping his 'troublesome teenager' in check.
Clear Themes- Crime
An ideology is a set of opinions or beliefs of a group or an individuals.
Felix is quite quiet and reserved but towards the end prevents the little girls dad from committing suicide and prevents 2 crimes from happening.
PC VICKERS: Naive- When he's shouting at a vulnerable man through the letter box showing he doesn't know how to handle the situation.Inexperienced, weak, over confident dedicated but also extremely inexperienced and has all the credit handed too him on a plate because hes the son of the head chief showing a biased opportunity, slightly frowned upon for following into his fathers footsteps.
Pc Lino Morietti- Comical character- eating is a focus as a joke, hes dedicated and professional.Along with well respected.
Cuffs And Social Contexts Monday 14th February 2022
Changing Attitudes to sexuality.
The soliciter has power in cuffs and earns the respect of the audience , he wears a suit and looks highly assertive and professional throughout the episode.
PC Jake Vickers- Nervous, messes up.Its sexuality even though is briefly said at the start is not fully expressed besides the relationship with the lawyer.
Changing attitudes to multiculturisms -Positive views on multiculturalism Ryan Draper the head character comes from an ethnicity background and is treated the same, in relations to race there is an equality from whites and black.racism still exists in Britain and in cuffs the way of dealing with racism is explored through verbal abuse from the general public to Ryan, he dismisses it though.
Racist groups represented very negatively - uneducated , White WC, drink and drugs.
People from an ethnicity group who are represented positive?: Person in the shop, boy who got stabbed and some of the police officers.
Racism still exists in Brittan today.
Monday 14th March 2022 Media Review Lesson
Media Language:
Mise-en-scene- High Key, Low Key lighting, Location/set,Costume and makeup, props.Blocking (The composition of elements).An example of this is wen
Camerawork-Shot Types,CameraAngles,Camera Movement,
Watching a scene from the avengers- Mise en scene
Low Lighting, Expressing Cold Vs Upbeat and happy.
Mise En scene:
The Costumes there is a sense of professionalism.
The setting is in a pub And the main characters are dressed far too professional to enter a pub they look like they should be attending a conference somewhere else.
The setting is rather empty and the weather is a gloomy storm brewing outside setting an ominous feeling over the town on that particular day.
What is a J-Cut? Audio starts from the upcoming scene in the current scene before the frame has changed.
SOund: Music, Diegetic/non diegetic, sound effects, sound bridges, voice over, parallel sound and contrapuntal sound,
EXAM TERMINOLOGY Monday 21st March.
Synonyms for Show
Be specific in what representations are created n the cover
cover the differences in media language.
Question 1-3 avengers
Social and Political Context
Question One-
Will ask you to analyse the extract of one media language.TWO EXAMPLES- sound editing, camerawork. mise en scene.(costume, propp, makeup)- How it shows gender roles.
Appropriate Media Terminology.Low angle shot, mid shot.
How has sound been used to create meaning? Diegetic non diegetic, volume, pace, sound , dialoge.
Deeper tone builds tension,diegetic sound of repeated opening, Sound effects of angry draw shutting mirroring her frustration, music building tension.His pace of speaking increases as he becomes worried. His dialoge is cut off representing tension.Church is a safe place and the Hymn reinforce that image representing she had escaped danger to a place she cannot be touched. The hymn stop as he calls her an imposter- diegetic music to represent the impact of the gun.Use of diegetic music can show they can hear the choir music discovering its a fake creates more tension and suspense.
Media Language And Representation- QUESTION 2
How does it create tension? analyse the whole scene.
Lighting- High lighting/low lighting
Question 3-15 Marks
Asked to make a judgement- Viewpoints, ideas or values, context.
Use accurate Terminology
What she's wearing?relevant to the 1960's.
Question Four- Tv Industry and Audiences
Public Service Broadcast
Police procedural drama
insight in deficient funding positions\
Highlights problems for funding for the police.
Different groups in society.
Question 5
People from different backgrounds a voice and someone to identity
Social Values of 2015-
Succesful Jobs
Negative attitude to outside foreigners
Prevent racism through the use of education.Patriartcle society.
Well done Lilliana, an excellent start to the topic. Your notes are detailed and accurate.
ReplyDeleteWell done Lilliana - detailed notes on the episode.
ReplyDeleteEBI - add descriptions to your character list.
Good luck with the rest of the course.
1/11- excellent notes, try to include more terminology in your answer- enigma codes, stereotype. Brilliant work
ReplyDelete22/11-great analysis of the scene. Target- Point needed to show the value you are analysing in the scene.
ReplyDelete6/12- excellent work and notes again, well done. Target
ReplyDeleteWhy did the producers of Cuffs use the following to target a mainstream family audience:
Comedy elements
A range of multicultural characters
Authentic locations
Exciting police procedural scenes
4/1/22- You cover lots of analysis points here which are all accurate, just try to focus on one at a time and fully explore that. Work with Mise en scene first. Uniforms, setting etc.. work on T3. explain what the audience understand from the these conventions. T4. Link back to the question on how the conventions are identified as important. Then move onto representations.
ReplyDelete24/1- Great notes, try to add clear parts of the text to back up what you are saying about the characters personalities.
ReplyDelete10/5 NEWS COMMENT. good work, T1: Finish the ML and connotation analysis for your own observer cover