Monday 14th September 2020LEGO MOVIE
L/0: to research the process,companies and regulators behind the film industry.
- The Process behind how the film was distributed, marketed and exhibited.Who does what and in what order.The Warner Bros created this movie,Its put in order of time periods. Stop and start pictures. 1.A film can be distributed through different t parts.In The parts of television dvd and more and more various things,a film can be marketed through and by a press release and through advertising and merchindising. Exhibition is retail.
- What is a conglomerate? A thing consisting of a number of different and distinct parts or items that are all grouped together in one place.
- Who are the big six Hollywood film studios?20Th Century Fox,Paramount pictures,Warner bros,Universal Pictures,Columbia pictures and Walt Disney Studios.
- what regulates films in the Uk? British Board Of Film Classification BBFC
- which two companies produced the Lego Movie 2014? Warner Animation Group Lin Pictures LEGO Group Vertigo Entertainment Village Roadshow Pictures
- Who was the PRODUCER of the lego movie 2014?Dan Lin and Roy Lee
- Who directed the lego movie 2014? Chris Miller Phill Lord
- How was the lego movie funded?Roadshow pictures funded the movie
- Who distributed the Lego movie?Warner Bros Pictures
Monday 23rd September 2020
Make note of any reference to the following
Any Warner Bros,characters,products or film
Any Lego products
the lego products and packs you can buy in real life with the instructions
nail polish remover
super glue
A Starbucks Reference to how expensive the drinks are because they buy "overpriced drinks"
throughout the movie they are trying to get the lid on the superglue but there are lots of obstacles in the way and the man upstairs.
main characters:
Wild Style
President Business
Monday 12th October 2020
Narrative Theory
Lego Movie
Toderov: narrative Theory
Emmet lives following all the rules, the boy isn't allowed to touch his dads lego.
2:disruption-Something happens that disturbs normal day life.
president Business plans to fix everything in place and Emmet discovers the piece of resistance
3: Recognition of disruption -the main characters realisation that something is happening.
Emmet meets wild style & vetruvius,learns about the special one and they discover presidents businesses plans the dad threatens to glue it all.
4:attempt to solve disruption
-main character goes on a journey to fix the disruption
Emmet and the hero team attempt to stop president business. The boy explains the story to his dad and shows him what hes created.
5:New equilibrium
The problem is solved and life goes back to normal.
Creativity and team work is encouraged and president business is forgiven,the boy is allowed to play with the lego.
The Lego Movie has a linear narrative.
Monday 19th October
The hero: Generally leads the narrative has a quest to solve something wants to succeed and can be any gender.
The Villain: Struggles against the hero seen as morally bad, attempts to stop the hero achieving the goal.
The Donor: Gives the hero something special , Power/weapon/wisdom/ect enables hero to complete the quest
The Helper: Supports hero/sidekick appears at critical moments,Their limitations help define the hero.
The princess: Can take two forms the object sought by the hero or the reward.
The Dispatcher: Sends hero on the mission( can be combined with another role)
the princess father: Gives task to the hero authority figure/ protective after figure
the false hero: appears to react heroically and often mistake for the real hero.
The lego movie Propps theory
the Hero: Emmet, He is the main character he is set on a quest to put the piece of resistance on the kragel.
The villain: President business man, He does everything in his power to stop the hero aka Emmet from completing his mission he also throws obstacles in the hero's way.
The donor: Vitruvius, he has a vision about the special one and tells the hero things about the man upstairs therefore giving him hints that he is special.
The helper: Wildstyle/Lucy, she appears and helps the hero on his way and helps him/guides him.
The princess: wildstyle, at the end the hero ends up with the girl who just happens to also be his helper and the female figure.
The dispatcher: the human boy, sets up a quest in his dads lego buildings and creates all of the obstacles and is the one who guides the hero on his way from another world.
The princesses father: Vitruvius, because he watches over them he is the father figure throughout the whole movie.
the false hero: Batman, everyone would think he would be the main hero but Its Emmet.
Lo: To explore the similarities between the Matrix and the Lego Movie.
What is Intertextuality?
The relationship between two texts.Works for literature.
The matrix
locations: In a city
2nd November 2020
Lego Movie: to identify the target audience using demographics and psychographics.
Family Audience U rating
Can be split into 3 sections/categories
children want to play with lego
Lego has been around for a while so even the older generations have played with it at one point.
Young kids who play with lego it would appeal to them.,they play with those characters.
It appeals to teenagers because its "funny' and humorous.
Parents used to play with lego when they were younger so it brings back nostalgia.
so really altogether its good for all age groups.
Batman;Will Arnet
Emmet;Chris Pratt
Lucy;Elizabeth Banks
unikitty;Alison Brie
metalbeard;Nick Offerman
President Business; Will Ferrel
Viturivus ;Morgan Freeman
bad cop/Good cop ;Liam Neeson
The two main characters Boy and girl,male and female
Age young adult 5+20-30
location Uk and US
Monday 9th November 2020
The lego Movie Marketing
Lo: To explore marketing and promotions of the Lego Movie,to link the methods to the target audience.
what is a tent pole production?
A major movie which is motion which is expensive to produce .
The lego movie is like this because,of the merchandise and all it took a decent amount of money to produce.
Why is it a tentpole production? It is one because it makes a load of money, figures sets toys and shops and legoland.
How many diffrent ways can you promote a movie?
On a Bus, a billboard,Interviews, the news and etc etc.
Its the release of different products to boost both.
Work together to promote linked products across different media.
Shop cards
Lego world sets
lego movie video game
range of school supplies
sticker&activity books
in January 2014, new posters was released
Monday 16th November
Marketing part 2
Horizontal integration
Vertical integration
The parent company owns multiple companies across different stages of the film industry .
The money transfers to them
Whats the name of a company that owns lots of smaller companies?
A parent Company
Whats the benefit of being one of these?
They have more companies on one section of the film to get it finished quicker
Why is synergy a good thing?
It makes a better team,Good efficient teams means they get work done quicker.
What is it called when a single company controls both the production and distribution, stage of a media product?
Vertical integration
Whats the average of doing this?
More competitiveness.
what is a tentpole movie?
A motion major movie which is expensive to produce.
Monday 23d November 2020
Lego movie Tv advertising
Lo: To evaluate the methods used the markets the lego movie.
What do Tv adverts normally show?
they shorten the trailers to make into adverts
How are they different to the theatrical trailers?
the adverts are often shortened, time is different.
After school times
Explain how the lego movie marketing campaign broke boundaries with tv ad and linked social media campaign .
This was successful because normally people use ads to go and do something else before the show they are watching comes back on, but because it was different it started uproar on social media and everyone sat down when they saw this new exciting ad appear on their television, also people who weren't on that channel at that time heard about it and went and looked it up on youtube to see what it was about, so even if you weren't watching the tv people went and watched it from other platforms, over 6 million watched it on the tv and over 1 million on youtube.
State what the tv marketing campaign was?
To hype up the lego movie 5 days before , lego movie took over a whole ad break to spread the news of the new uprising movie coming to cinemas soon.
How did this attract the target audience?
Because it wasn't to late and dancing on ice is a family show so little children watched this and was like wow, its a whole ad break that was taken over by the lego movie.
How did it break boundaries?
It was the first time a movie had taken over a whole ad break so that broke boundaries, also the fact that the normal adverts and companies such as premier inn actually paid the lego movie for their ad to be turned into lego.
How did the tv ad market the movie?
Before the ad started a character from the lego movie popped up on the screen with the lego movie logo, also all the original actors were turned into lego.
How did the remade ads help advertise the movie?
because it was all made out of lego, The lego movie is surprisingly about Lego so it really does broadcast lego.
How did this create an interest in social media?
Because it was something new, and people were putting links all over social.
why did adverts want to be involved to the lego movie? because it makes them look better because the lego movie was involved.
What proves the tv ad break was successful?
The millions and millions of views that it ended up with.
The Lego movie Trailer
Lo: To evaluate the methods used to market the lego movie
why did warner bros choose to have their logos made from Lego?
Because The movie itself is made from Lego its broadcasts the moral of the movie .
Equilibrium- When Emmet is sat in his normal house watching some normal tv.
Disruption- When Emmet realises president business makes an announcement on normal tv he saids "you will be put to sleep' then everything starts to change.
recognition of disruption- Emmet finds out about the prophecy and lord business being crazy
Attempt To solve- goes on a journey with the 2 other main characters and this includes a fight scene.
new equilibrium- Everything returns to a new normal with new people who can do what they want.
It is a quick equilibrium because the target audience are the younger children and they get bored easily so they want to see some action and get into the fun part fast, or they loose intrest.
Diegetic- Sounds that the characters would hear.
non-Diegetic- sounds only the audience can hear, and the people in the movie are clueless.
Inter-title- the texts used in the trailer such as 'coming soon'
colour pallet- The range of colours used in the media text.
Camerawork question 3
The final scene shows a low angle shot of wyldstyle & vivtruvs its powerful.
Sound question 1
How is diegetic dialogue used to convey a sense of narrative?
tells a story
Editing question 3
Slow motion is used at various points,Why? What effect does that create?
tension a dramatic effect
mise-en-scene 2
How would you describe colour palette of the trailer.?How might this help to target an audience?
Bright colours
The Lego Movie
Video Game
L/o: To explain how vertical integration benefits companies t analyse using uses & gratification theory
Who is the game developer?
TT Games, travellers tales, TT fusion
Who is the game producer?
Warner bros
When was it released?
7th February 2014
What platforms was it released for?
Playstation 4,Xbox one,Android,Xbox 360,Microsoft Windows,Nintendo 3ds,classic mac os
What game modes does it have?
Single player, multiplayer
recent films/ video game releases
Marvel spiderman
Profits maximised- Increases potential audiences
familiarity- Brand-plot & characters known
Extends pleasure of the film- chance to be a part of the film world can have an extended narratives
Cross-promotion- efficient use of marketing both products to promote the other.
How does pies apply to the Lego Movie?
Personal Identity, a chid could look at the characters and personally relate with the characters personality traits.
Information, It tells us what we want to hear.
Entertainment, The lego world is so different.
Explain 2 uses and gratifications audiences might get from the video game according to the trailer.
In the Lego Movie Video Game trailer it shows three children happily sat down in a living room on a sofa, they are all interacting with one another they look around 11 and their faces show excitement once the lego movie video game pops up on their console, throughout the game they interact with one another and play together,this is social interaction and this game has different modes including multiplayer so you could play with your friends over the console or sat right next to you, there are over 90 characters you can choose to play as, and you can be whoever and whatever you please to play as, its your decision, it doesn't matter what gender, if the person feels connected with the character then they can play as them, the massive variety of characters easily gives anyone a good choosing of whoever the people want to play as they get personal identity.
Monday 11th Janurary
Lo: To review and reflect on the unit assessment and set personal targets.
Which company produced and distributed the lego movie- Warner Bros
For Q6 I need to answer the question with the correct answer.
What is vertical Integration?
ertical integration is a strategy whereby a company owns or controls its suppliers, distributors or retail locations to control its value or supply chain. Vertical integration benefits companies by allowing them to control process, reduce costs and improve efficiencies. However, vertical integration has disadvantages, including the significant amounts of capital investment required.
For Q7 I needed to research the topic of vertical integration more.
Explain How The Lego Movie Is For Different target audiences
Everyone grew up with Lego so it reaches every sort of age group.
I needed to show an in depth of investigation in the ways this could be for every age group, I think I did well when it came to answering this question in the mock.
The LM company appealed to a range of audiences young, middle aged etc etc, both genders.
Old characters such as Batman was brought back so that would appeal to the older generation.
Analyse Representations of gender in The Lego Movie Poster.
The Lego Movie Poster Contains the 2 main characters one is Wildstyle a strong female character and the other is Emmet who is more like the damsel in distress even though the main male character is usually portrayed as strong.
Analyse the Construction of how the Lego Movie Video Game is put together.
In the video game for the Lego `Movie which was created for ages 7+, On the front cover of this videogame it consist of all the characters even a few which aren't necessarily considered the main characters, it shows a good representation of the challenges that could be included in the video game, an example of this would be bad cop riding on a police horse this could mean there could be a action game mode where you have to try and flee the lego world by creating different things to escape bad cop. :)This whole paragraph are good
THE LEGO MOVIE DIRT 18th January 2021
p:In the video game for the Lego `Movie which was created for ages 7+, On the front cover of this videogame
e; it consist of all the characters even a few which aren't necessarily considered the main characters,
e: an example of this would be bad cop riding on a police horse this could mean there could be a action game mode where you have to try and flee the lego world by creating different things to escape bad cop.
Explain how the Lego Movie Video game cover is constructed (put together) to appeal to the target audience. (7+ age rating)
Cover: Looks very fun and action packed
Emmet Image: Emmet looks relatively happy, like he could be a fun character to play as.
Lord Business image:Lord buisness visibility by appearance looks like the bad guy, which he actually is the bad guy, this to children could look like a fun adventure including the bad guy could be involved.
Wyldestyle image; Wyldestyle looks like the most adventurous and even better she looks super cool.
Vertuvius image: To a child he looks a bit crazy but gives you the first impression of looking like a wizard so children might wasn't to play as him to see if he has any powers.
Batman image: Batman is standing on top of a building, Batman is Batman to little kids that is the end of the story.
The Lego Movie Campaign 25th January 2021
Lo: To explain the effectiveness of the campaign to analyse the representations on the poster campaign.
an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
Denotation- the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests.
ThThe Denotations in this video game cover is the people they all have different facial features this is the denotations , analysing each facial feature and their appearances .
The Connotations in this video game is their expressions on their faces.
By Visual appearance and a first glance at this movie poster it looks like an action movie, lots of things are going on and its jam-packed , this poster combines different genres by the way that it is action and adventure, the characters are set out on lots of a adventures.
Usually the female character is portrayed as the maiden in distress but in this particular movie poster the main male role Emmet looks like he is the one who needs saving and on the other hand Wyldstyle looks like she could be the hero, she looks rather confident with her smile.
1st February 2021(During call)
Starter-Answer the questions below
What are stereotypical stereotypes
When genders are portrayed in a particular way.
Woman are usually portrayed as a women in distress
Various issues used in the franchise
In a movie Male is supposed to be the hero but in The Lego Movie its a bit different.
We can see the men are powerful but we have wonder woman an wyldstyle and unikitty non of them look scared they all look heroic.
She wears black clothing a little stereotypical in her character is the makeup thats a female representation.
She is a bit like a tomboy.
He is a wise and noble wizard he doesn't have the classic yellow skin that normal lego characters do.
young is a bit naive
people say people who may be older has more knowledge and wise
but on the other hand president business is like an angry middle aged man, like a parent. possibly a bit frustrated.
Emmet is young and clueless basically.
Monday 8th February 2021
Narrative Theory recap
Its a structure about how the narration in a story is narrated.
Equilibrium, disruption, recognition of disruption and the New equilibrium .
So basically what life is like at the start of the movie (normal life) then something comes along as disrupts normal life, then people go on an adventure usually to fix it and then once they fix the issue life returns back to normal or even better.
In The Tv Ad Break it was the first ever ad break taken by a new movie, this new ad break caused uproar in the media and got everyone very excited for the new movie that was coming out, it includes of recognisable adverts like and the premier in.
Is the arrangement of things in a scene in a movie or even a play, it can mean anything the list varies from lighting to camera shoots even to facial expressions, it hits every base of a particular scene.
'Analyse how The Lego Movie posters use stereotypes to create representations that are easily understood'
In The Lego Movie, the posters that were released with the movie are very different to the usual everyday poster,In the main The Lego Movie Poster the main character Emmet is at the front which is rather normal, he is a male but the male character/'hero' is normally portrayed as strong and fearless but the choice of facial expression that is used in this poster is rather different, he looks scared, normally that doesn't happen, but if you look to the right side of Emmet, wyldestyle is there and she looks more fearless than emmet, she actually looks a bit angry, by first appearance you wonder if she is the hero of this story, because usually its not a female as the main hero but now it seems to be that the female and male main characters have switched roles, like emmet is more like the damsel in distress and wyldestyle is the full out hero who saves people and isn't scared of anything, the usual stereotype is that the female is the ones in trouble and the male figure will save him, but the lego Movie producers played around with it and created a whole new thing that even include a few strong women characters in there such as wonder woman and unikitty, of course there are strong male characters there such as batman and green lantern and metal beard but its definitely a mixture of genders.

Question 3- 10 marks 10 mins focus on the video game .It can be on any area but potentially on media choices
Media language movie trailer.
Lovely notes
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Target area: 2
11/01/21- EXCELLENT DIRT work here. Well done. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDelete18.1.21- excellent notes, keep up the great work.
ReplyDeleteTarget: try to put your notes on the final question into full sentences using the PEEL format from the power point to help you structure your work.
25/1/21- Good notes here, try to add a little more detail to your analysis with specific shots and examples from the text to support what you are saying.
ReplyDelete1/2/21- excellent mix of notes and slides, well done, also a great start to the final question.