

How does media ownership contribute to news bias?
  • Political Opinion of owner.
  • Business Interests of owners.
  • Commercial advertising files.
Newspapers are not profitable but are seen as a means of gaining political and social influences so are often owned by rich individuals rather than conglomerates so these businesses tend to specialise in newspaper.

The Guardian and Observer are owned by a trust set up in the 1930s to protect the editorial independence of the Guardian newspaper and to safeguard journalistic freedom and the news papers liberal views.

POLITICAL BIAS:Political Bias of these newspapers.
The Guardian-The paper's readership is generally on the mainstream left of British political opinion, and the term "Guardian reader" is used to imply a stereotype of liberal, left-wing or "politically correct" views.

The Mirror-Political allegiance. The Mirror has consistently supported the Labour Party since the 1945 general election. On 3 May 1979, the day of the general election, the Daily Mirror urged its readers to vote for the governing Labour Party led by James Callaghan.

The Independent-It has been seen as leaning to the left wing of the political spectrum, making it more a competitor to The Guardian. However, The Independent tends to take a liberal, pro-market stance on economic issues. The Independent on Sunday referred to itself as a "proudly liberal newspaper".

The Times-In general, the political position of The Times is considered to be centre-right. The Times is the first newspaper to have borne that name, lending it to numerous other papers around the world, such as The Times of India and The New York Times.

The Telegraph-The Daily Telegraph is politically conservative and has endorsed the Conservative Party at every UK general election since 1945.

The Sun-

The Daily Express-The paper's editorial stances have often been seen as aligned to Euroscepticism and supportive of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), and other right-wing factions including the European Research Group (ERG) of the Conservative Party.

The Daily Mail-

How do newspapers make money? 
  • Sales 
  • Advertisements
  • Collaborations
  • Sponsored Content
  • Become a member 
Circulation- Subscription or over the counter sales.

Paywalls- Paying to access a certain newspapers content.

  What does the term Free Pass mean?

free passnoun. A document entitling the bearer to free transportation.
Q2- Invaded the privacy of the public and believed it was absolutely fine to do so, breaking the trust they had with their reading audience to obtain new feeds of information in order for them to publish more content.
Q3-The government tried to cover up this scandal and believed that even after this exposure that its acceptable for some newspapers to hijack people landlines and listen to their voicemails. Biased  trust the Guardian caught out another newspaper making it seem that they are a trustworthy newspaper. Represents competition and rivalry.
Q4-Impress was a main one recognised by the recognised body.
Newspaper Case Study.   (learn Media language)

Media Language-Theoretical Framework.
The generic conserventions of 'Broad street"or "quality sheet" print newspaper.

What the advantages are of online or print newspapers.

Media Language connotations such as typography, colour analysis.

Analyse the use of media language elements- House style, colour schemes, typography, layout, news stories. Quality or hard news?

THE OBSERVER- my exam newspaper

Representations, liberal messages, beliefs of the news papers, news ownership, owners baist.

1.Who owns the observer?Its a Liberal paper

Scotts Trust.The trust stops the owner putting his own beliefs in the newspaper.

2.What Political stance do they have? Liberal- Left wing

How do they make money? Advertisement.

Monday 9th May 2022   Marketing Targets.

LO To investigate how print and online newspapers use media language to create meaning.

Accessible globally,
Its Free
Reduces production cost due to the lack of prints and ink.
lack of regulation

MEDIA LANGUAGE-Media language creates connatations
Code and Conventions

Typography same for all online or social media print- Serif Typeface.

Reinforces superior women. The three females project the idea of a patriarchal society.

Lexis "row' unprofessionalism and attacking the "Tories".
Because The Observer is a Left-Wing Newspaper it is criticising a "job crisis"Because the Tories are in power and they are " financIally  failing our country"

Monday 16th May 2022            Marketing Comments.

T1) Finish the Ml and connotation analysis for your own observer cover.

Masthead-The observer, Traditional , Patriotic.
Express-Fast received.


Representations- The front cover image is a woman looking heroic showing equality in genders and the woman being superior enough to be the front cover image looking proud and bold.Standing triumphant with a mid body camera shot showing posture.

Historical Case Studies-
L/o:To evaluate the impact of social, cultural, political and historic context.

1960's issues

Vietnam War
The olympics
Speaking about the assassination of Mr Kennedy and portraying his wife as "moving on" finding another husband
Market Crash
Idea of the cold war
Natural Disaster
International news on Zambia
Speak on America
The royal family
Repeated sales on woman wear
The new invention "the two way radio" revolutionary.

What was happening in the 1960's with newspapers.
1950 was the peak circulation people held two newspapers in their households due to the amount of information the held and informed you of current and predicted events.
1960's had to fight for recognition as half of it sales dropped to one newspaper being in a household ; the tv had been introduced and along wth this represented the world with a news channel.

1960's in comparison 

Self promotion- The broadsheets didn't bother making the front cover super eye-catching- whereas they were bought because of the ad stories, less space for photography but more content formal language.

Pull Quote Analysis:
Jackie: Were very happy

Speaking about the assassination of Mr Kennedy and portraying his wife as "moving on" finding another husband Showing potentially the  woman as abandoning the president so quickly Some other readers may feel respect for the woman for being able to move on and not hold grief. The word very happy has an emphasis implying her easy riding recovery of her late husband's death.

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