It is a French term meaning what is being put into a screen or frame.
Visual information infront of the camera.
Mes communicates essential information to the audience,each aspect of mise-en-scene
Has hidden meanings within a film,and sends signals to the audience about how we are supposed to feel or about a character.
Made up of 5 bases:
Setting and props,
Costume, hair and makeup,
Facial expressions and body language,
Lighting and color,
Positioning of characters or objects within the frame.
1.setting and props
Setting and location are an important part in any film and are not just backgrounds.
Sets are either built from scratch or a great deal of time is spent to find a setting which already exists.
Settings can manipulate an audience by building certain expectations and then taking a different turn.
2.costume, hair and makeup
costume hair and makeup act as an instant indicator to us of a characters personality status and job.
It tells us immediately whether the film is set in the present or the past.
3.facial and body expressions,
Facial expressions provide a clear indicator of how someone is feeling.
If someone is smiling broadly we instantly assume they are happy but we may get a new impression if it's assisted with dark music.
Body expressions may show how that character feels toward the other characters like the state of their relationship. and colour,
To highlight important characters or objects.
To make the characters look a particular way/show their emotions and mental state.
5.Positioning of people/objects
Positioning within a frame can draw our attention to a important character/object.
A film maker can use positioning to indicate relationships between people.
What are the 5 things included in MES?
Costume,makeup and hair
Facial and body expressions
Positioning of things in the frame
These are good notes, but where are the activities for each area?